U.K. Blitz Game Studios Closes After 23 Years

Set up In Leamington Spa, in the the Midlands, one of the U.K. Major makers of video games Blitz Games Studios has been forced to shut their doors, due to the volatile game market.
Founded in 1990, by Philip & Andrew Oliver, it appears that the company having laid off 125 of their employee base, will now only be able to retain 50 employees and this just so that all projects that remain unfinished can be completed and then they will call it a day.
How fortunes have changed for this very successful video game maker from when they launched 2 decades ago. The twin brothers Andrew and Phillip say that a serious impact had been made with the advent of the games market going mobile. In the mobile games market, titles are either significantly less in price and in some cases entirely free, this makes trying to achieve revenue targets a virtual impossibility, especially whilst trying to run a cost efficient business employing nearly two hundred staff. The mobile gambling industry has also become a popular way of fun distraction among many people because of their easy access to mobile casinos. Players only need to download the mobile casino app, create an account, take advantage of the welcome bonuses that new players receive, and start playing for free.
Also enduring this volatile games climate, Some of Blitz Games Studios publishing clients, have also been hit with the financial squeeze, and as a result have been slow to commit their funds to projects of a long term nature. Certainly this has not helped the brothers and their company in their dire situation. Not wishing to put too much of a painful point on it, you can only feel for the brothers in what must have eventually felt like being blitz out of the water with no one to come to their aid.
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Blitz was the darling of the British games industry. The Oliver Brothers were true enthusiasts themselves and their passion propelled them into the global market where the gaming world was ever expanding in this lucrative treasure adventure, picking up crew on their way as they sailed the volatile seas in search of their quest. Will they return. Who knows, but what I will say is they have tasted success at the highest level, and that's a very hard thing to turn your back on should the market variables change in the future.